Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life at The Bordner House

On a really light note, (no pun intended here) last week I had three different students talk about staying here and/ or wanting to live at the Bordner House. I have never had a student mention this before; so I found it ironic. I am flattered that some of our students believe that the Bordner House is full of Hi 5's, Way to Go's, Stickers, Lollipops, Tootsie Rolls, Games, & Singing every time a page is turned! Please be assured the Bordner kids do have chores to do & they are NOT rewarded in such a manner EVERY time! Some things are simply expected here from our children :) I do believe our piano students should be rewarded & lessons here and it should be a ton of fun! If a student is having a great time, building their music theory knowledge, increasing their skills and building their self confidence, then I am doing my job! Enjoy your day!

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